《地球上的生靈》:專訪奧斯卡入圍男演員喬昆‧費尼克斯 Earthlings: Make the Connection with Oscar-winning Actor Joaquin Phoenix

Earthlings”該片由美國素食主義者電影製片人肖恩•蒙森執導的2005年屢獲殊榮的紀錄片,講述動物遭受痛苦的故事。該紀錄片由美國著名素食主義者波斯西亞•懷特和瑪姬•Q共同製作,並由金球獎(Golden Globe-以及獲得格萊美獎的素食主義者演員華金•菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)。


“地球上的生靈”獲得了無數榮譽,包括美國動物福利組織“人對動物的道德待遇”頒發的Proggy獎,以及每年在加利福尼亞舉行的國際Artivist電影節上動物倡導類的最佳紀錄片獎。 美國。


例如,看完電影的專業冰球運動員後,加拿大的喬治•拉拉克(Georges Laraque)成為素食主義者,並同意敘述法語版本。

美國受歡迎的脫口秀節目主持人艾倫•德傑涅雷斯(Ellen DeGeneres)和澳大利亞女演員波西亞•德•羅西(Portia de Rossi)都將這部電影作為他們決定成為素食主義者的關鍵原因。

美國的滑雪板手漢娜•泰特(Hannah Teeter)分別是2006年和2010年冬季奧運會的金牌和銀牌得主,在一年前觀看了地球人之後就停止吃肉。

今天,在我們的分為六個部分的第一部分演講中,我們將了解寵物行業造成的令人心碎的殘酷和“物種主義”,這是彼得•辛格博士(Peter Singer)提出的被認為是動物之父的概念權利運動和1975年經典著作《動物解放》的作者。


The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST: Caring viewers, today’s Stop Animal Cruelty program features the award-winning 2005 documentary on animal suffering “Earthlings” directed by vegan US filmmaker Shaun Monson, co-produced by noted vegan US actresses Persia White and Maggie Q and narrated by Golden Globe- and Grammy-winning vegan actor Joaquin Phoenix.

The film features music by the world-famous vegan DJ and musician Moby from the United States.

“Earthlings” has received numerous honors, including the Proggy Award given by the US-based animal welfare group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and the Best Documentary Award in the Animal Advocacy category at the International Artivist Film Festival, held annually in California, USA.

“Earthlings” affects many viewers so profoundly that they immediately decide to adopt the compassionate, plant-based diet.

For example, after watching the film professional ice hockey player Georges Laraque of Canada became a vegan and agreed to narrate the French language version.

Popular US talk show host Ellen DeGeneres and Australian actress Portia de Rossi both cite this film as a key reason they decided to become vegan. 

Snowboarder Hannah Teeter of the United States, a gold and silver medalist in the 2006 and 2010 Winter Olympics respectively, stopped eating meat a year ago following watching Earthlings.

Today in the first installment of our six-part presentation of Earthlings, we’ll learn about the heart-wrenching cruelty perpetrated by the pet industry and about “speciesism,” a concept promoted by Dr. Peter Singer, considered the father of the animal rights movement and author of the 1975 classic “Animal Liberation.”

The DVD edition of Earthlings is available at www.Earthlings.com