動物對清海無上師無條件的愛 Animals’ Unconditional Love for Supreme Master Ching Hai, Part 1 of 2, Mar. 30, 20202020.03.30



「師父,值此新冠疫情危機,人們皆銜命居家禁足。師父有話想對大家說嗎?」喔,他們最好待在家裡,照政府規定的去做。我也吩咐過你們如果必須外出該怎麼做以保護自己。(有,師父。)病毒是有形的,所以必須以有形的方法防護。唉,可憐的大眾!他們目前惶恐不已。然而這只是警示之一,無奈大家就是充耳不聞。我認為政府和宗教領袖必須擔任更強而有力的領導角色。必須採取更立竿見影的措施。(確實,師父,對)告訴人們,只需回歸自己原本的慈悲天性。不再吃肉、不再屠殺無辜和無助者。不再殘酷地折磨他們。最近森林野火層出不窮,導致數十億動物喪生。他們是心甘情願捨命的,只為了替人類犧牲。讓我們有時間,有較多時間覺醒。連動物都能看穿我們。動物會留意觀察,他們無所不知。就像我講過的蜘蛛,我不知道他們觀察得這麼透徹。他們告訴我因為我很善良,所以他們要幫助我。松鼠也来祝我安好。他們祝我自由自在、喜樂、平安。「師父,這些人畜共通的傳染病都是由於人類的行為才從動物傳給人類。(是的。)所有SARS、MERS、豬流感、禽流感,還有這次的新冠肺炎。」對!病毒應該是一些吃野生動物的人所傳播出來的。(對,師父。)然後被傳給別的動物,再傳給人類,目前甚至有些動物也被傳染得病。 致命傳染病/大流行病,因為吃動物而開始傳播。愛滋病毒/愛滋病—從黑猩猩傳染人。庫賈氏病(狂牛症)—從牛傳染人。H5N1禽流感—從雞、鵝傳染人。SARS(嚴重急性呼吸道症候群)—從麝香貓傳染人。H1N1豬流感—從豬傳染人。MERS(中東呼吸綜合症)—從駱駝傳染人。伊波拉—從蝙蝠傳染人。新冠肺炎—從蝙蝠傳染給穿山甲。以上疾病全部都是從動物傳染給人類。吃魚類也會感染致命/不治之症。蠕蟲、A型肝炎病毒、諾羅病毒、弧菌、沙門氏桿菌、大腸桿菌、李斯特菌、貝類中毒、汞中毒、過敏反應 等等。以上這些疾病都是人類吃魚類、貝類和其他海洋動物而感染。


Between Master and Disciples


“Master, at this time of crisis [COVID-19], people are just locked down in their houses. Does Master have any words to share with the people?” Oh, it's better they stay inside, just as the government prescribed. (Yes, Master.) And I also told you guys what to do if you have to go out, to protect yourself. (Yes, Master.) This is a physical thing, so we have to use the physical means. Yeah, poor people! They feel very scared right now. But this is just one of the signs of the warning, but people just don't listen. I think the governments and religious leaders have to take the more strong, leading role. Have to take more dramatic measure. (Absolutely, Master, yes.) Tell people to just return to their original loving nature. No more meat eating, no more massacring the innocent and the helpless. No more torturing them like that. Recently, many forest fires and billions of animals died. They did that, voluntarily, just to sacrifice for humans. So that we have time, more time to wake up. Even the animals see through us. The animals, they observe, they know everything. Just as I told you, the spider, I didn't know that they observe so clearly like that. They told me because I am so kind so they want to help me. And the squirrel came and said they wish me well. They wish me freedom, happiness, safety and peace. “Masters, all these zoonotic diseases are being transmitted from animals to humans because of our actions. (Yeah.) All the SARS, MERS, swine flu, bird flu and the COVID-19, this coronavirus.” Yeah! This is supposed to be transmitted by some people who ate the wild animals. (Yes, Master.) And then it was transmitted to other animals and then transmitted to men, and then now even some animals, are transmitted too, are also infected.
Fatal Epidemics / Pandemics Originally Transmitted by Eating Animals
HIV/AIDS – transmitted by chimpanzees
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Mad Cow Disease) – transmitted by cows
H5N1 Avian (Bird) Flu – transmitted by chickens, geese
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) – transmitted by civets
H1N1 Swine Flu (Pig's Disease) – transmitted by pigs
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) – transmitted by camels
Ebola – transmitted by bats
COVID-19 – transmitted from bats to pangolins
All these diseases are transmitted FROM ANIMALS TO HUMANS
Worms / Hepatitis A virus / Norovirus / Vibrio bacteria / Salmonella / E. coli / Listeria / Shellfish Poisoning / Mercury Poisoning / Allergic Reactions / Etc.
All these diseases are transmitted TO HUMANS FROM EATING FISH, shellfish and other sea anima